Table of Contents

Types of Notes

While pitch is indicated by the vertical position of a note on a staff, the duration of a note is indicated by how the note is drawn.

Here are the most common types of notes:

Whole Note Whole Note
Half NoteHalf Note
Quarter Note Quarter Note
Eighth Note Eighth Note
Sixteenth NoteSixteenth Note

When eighth notes and sixteenth notes occur in groups, they are usually joined together with a beam.

Eighth Beam
Beamed eighth notes

Sixteenth Beam
Beamed sixteenth notes

The relative values of these notes are indicated by the note name:  A half note is held for half the number of beats as a whole note; a quarter note receives a quarter of the number of beats that a whole note receives, etc.  The relationship between note types may be illustrated in the following chart:

Note Relationship Chart

Another way to think of this is as follows:   Two half notes make up a whole note; two quarter notes make up one half; two eighth notes make up one quarter note; and two sixteenth notes equal one eighth note.